Robert Drozda,
passed away suddenly on Sunday 1 December 2019 at the age of 71.
He made his mark in the life of Plasy primarily as a clockmaker and writer (Plasy Known – Unknown, Tales of Mr. Drahorad, The Railway Pittal, On the Soul of the Plasy Clock). He took care of the tower clock, which has been measuring time in the monastery granary since the 17th century, since 17 May 1980. For almost 40 years he climbed more than 100 steps to the clockwork every day to pull over 600 kg of weights while winding the four mechanisms because, as he said, “When the machine winds the electric motor, poetry is ruined”.
The Plasy Monastery calculated that Robert Drozda “wound the machine for almost 14,500 days, pulled nearly 9,000 tons in weights, the total height of pulling the weights is almost 150 km, he climbed up to the clock a total of about 1.5 million steps”. A report on Robert Drozd and the Plaska Clock can be seen in the following link.
In the four years of the existence of the Centre of Building Heritage of NTM Plasy, he managed to make his mark in its history. In addition to devising various programmes, lecturing them and guiding them through the entire museum, he also mastered a range of crafts from blacksmith to mason. He even presented them in a very engaging way on camera this spring on What Our Grandmothers Knew and We Forgot. Watch with us.
Thank you for allowing us to walk a piece of the road together.
Centre of Building Heritage NTM Plasy