entrance to the Exposition of Construction
full 120,-
reduced 80,-
NTM Plasy Centre of Building Heritage
Pivovarská 5, 331 01 Plasy
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Dynamic loading is a serious factor that threatens the safety and durability of historic buildings. The exhibition Monuments in Motion focuses on the experimental development of the dynamic diagnostics procedure and the assessment of dynamic phenomena on historic buildings.
The exhibition is the result of a project that aims to use theoretical knowledge and experimental methods in the field of structural dynamics, to develop methods and procedures for diagnostics, enabling the identification of the threat of damage from long-term measurements and therefore the need for early repair or restoration. For long-term automated measurements, a unique original set-up has been developed, allowing automated data collection and evaluation.
The project aimed at the rescue and conservation of cultural heritage monuments subjected to dynamic loads was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture under the NAKI II programme.